Benefits of electronic shelf labels / digital shelf labels

Benefits of

Electronic Shelf Labels

ESL technology creates improvements in almost all facets of retailing, from cost savings, to staff happiness & environmental gains.


Price Adjustments

Prices changes are implemented automatically, with no manual intervention required on the shop floor! Update 1 product or the whole store; change prices once a day, or 10 times a day, it’s completely up to you.

Promotional Roll-outs

Integration with existing systems means your program of promotions will be deployed on the shelf edge, in sync with your POS system, what a dream!

Save time with electronic shelf labels / digital shelf labels


By utilising the ‘Product Locate’ feature via the LED flashing lights, Restocking can be completed with 35% more efficiency.

Order Picking

If you offer a Click & Collect service, order picking can be extremely time-consuming. By utilising the ‘Product Locate’ feature via the LED flashing lights you can gain up to 50% more efficiency!

  • Easter bunny design Electronic Shelf Label - Retail Easter promotion

    Eye-catching Promotions

    Stay relevant with vibrant designs for seasonal promotions. It’s easy to create new templates for each calendar event with our drag & drop editor, and it only takes minutes to roll them out to the shelf edge.

    With our vibrant, colourful screens, customers can quickly see what’s on offer, driving increased sales.

  • Electronic Shelf Label / digital shelf labels - Ratings on screen template

    More Product Information

    Electronic Shelf Label screens display rich content, such as images and ratings, giving customers more information at the shelf edge.

    Where detailed product information is required, QR codes or an NFC tap can be used, in order to drive the customer to an online page. showing full specs, videos, comparison charts and more.

  • Declutter shelves and create a sleek modern aesthetic with Electronic Shelf Labels

    Upgrade Store Aesthetics

    Upgrade from cluttered shelves with paper tickets stuck on at all angles, to sleek, streamlined shelves.

    Electronic Shelf Labels look modern, neat and stylish, making a more pleasurable shopping experience for your customers.

    Promos are called out on the screen, removing the need for paper signage.

Employee Wellbeing & Retention

Removing menial tasks creates increased job satisfaction, allowing staff to focus on helping customers, using their expertise.

Fostering better staff retention is so important in retail, driving efficiency, reducing training costs and creating a more pleasurable workplace environment.

electronic shelf labels / digital shelf labels showing promotions and pricing

Flexibility to make strategic price adjustments

  • With digital price labels you can easily adjust pricing to keep margins consistent.

  • Roll-out last minute competitor-driven promotions with ease.

  • Such as:
    - Lowest price guarantees
    - Omni-channel pricing
    - Showing comparative pricing

  • Electronic Shelf Label Benefit - Eliminate Errors & Ensure Compliance

    Eliminate Errors

    ESLs virtually eliminate errors through their automated and synchronised system.

    As such compliance is assured and customers are happy in the knowledge that the offers shown on the shelf will be redeemed at checkout.

  • Electronic Shelf Label / digital shelf labels Benefit: Better customer service

    Better Customer Service

    With Electronic Shelf Labels handling pricing and product information, store staff are available to assist customers in finding the right product for their needs. Resulting in happier customers and increased brand advocacy.

    Unfortunately it only takes one bad experience to lose a customer for life.

  • ESLs promotes sustainable retail by reducing waste and carbon emissions

    Promotes Sustainable Retail

    Electronic Shelf Labels promote sustainability in retail, through waste reduction and reduced carbon emissions. It is one of the most important environmental strategies for sustainable retail.

    In addition our ESL hardware is manufactured using Green Energy.